Event Sponsorship -10th Anniversary MsG – April 24 – 27, 2025
Your group/event name attached to whichever event you would like to sponsor, free social media advertising on MsG social media pages, recognition as Event Sponsor at event, half-page ad in program book, free bag insert, and logo on website:
Event sponsorship options include:
⦿ MsG Cafe – $500 per day lead sponsor; $200 per day joint-sponsors (includes continental breakfast and all-day beverages on Friday and Sunday)
⦿ Thursday Night Nosh & Gathering Perspective – $400 lead sponsor; $150 joint-sponsors (includes cocktail party food and snacks)
⦿ Friday Night Meet ‘n Greet & Keynote – $400 lead sponsor; $150 joint sponsors (includes cocktail party food)
⦿ Friday Night Candy Buffet – $200 lead sponsor; $100 joint sponsors
⦿ Movie Night – $200 lead sponsor; $100 joint sponsors
⦿ Game Night – $200 lead sponsor; $100 joint sponsors
⦿ Saturday Night Ice Cream Social – $250 lead sponsor; $150 joint sponsors
Group Sponsorship
Includes mention in the program book (see details below) and a free bag insert.
$100, plus member registration:
⦿ 2 or more members register: listed as sponsor in program book, and free bag insert
⦿ 4 or more members register: quarter-page ad in program book, and free bag insert
⦿ 8 or more members register: half-page ad in program book, and free bag insert
** Please Note: Your group’s name must be listed under the Group/Organization field on the members’ registration to count toward this sponsorship level.
Friends of MsG Sponsorship
$100. That’s it.
No other commitment or obligation. For those looking to help MsG meet their costs and get a ‘shout out’ at the event.
Program Book Ads
The advertising rates for program book ads-only (no sponsorship) are as follows:
⦿ $125 – Full Page Ad: 8.5in x 11in
⦿ $ 75 – Half-Page Ad: 8.5in x 5.5in
⦿ $ 50 – Quarter-Page Ad: 4.25in x 5.5in
⦿ $ 25 – Business Card-size Ad: 2in x 3in
Become a Sponsor
Fill out the form below to request your opportunity to sponsor at MsG!